Calculus Routines - Prof. Richard B. Goldstein

# Purpose of routine Input Output Example
[1] Graph of function of one variable showing the origin in center is optional
JavaScript syntax is used to enter the function
press the plot button
Graph of function showing
maximum and minimum
values of f(x)
x*Math.cos(x) on [-20,20]
[2] First Derivative and Tangent Line same as [1]
various values of x are entered by a slider*
Graph of function
Graph of 1st derivative
numerical value of derivative
tangent line
x*Math.cos(x) on [-20,20]
[3] Second Derivative with
Osculating Circle

same as [1]

Graph of function
Graph of 2nd derivative
Graph of curvature
Osculating circle
x*Math.cos(x) on [-20,20]
[4] Parametric Equations
x(t) and y(t) are entered in JavaScript syntax
t interval [low, high]
slider* to show current t value
Graph of x(t)
Graph of y(t)
Graph of [x(t), y(t)]
current location
t: [0, 6.283]
[5] 3-D Space Curves x(t), y(t), and z(t) and t interval
sliders* to animate, rotate, and show view
up or down
graph of parametric curve is
shown in 3-D and the view can
be changed by sliders
t: [0, 6.283]
[6] Solids of Revolution f(x) the outer function
g(x) an inner function
x interval
both are rotated about the x-axis
the graph in 3-D showing hidden
lines as dashed
the volume of the revolution
x: [1, 5]
[7] First Order Differential Equations y'=f(t, y), initial value t0, no. of pts. solution including the graph
y' = 0.2+0.1*(x-3)*(x-3), t0=0
[8] Prey and Predator Differential Eq. x'=f(t, x, y), y'=g(t, x, y), initial value t0,
initial values of x and y, and no. of pts.
graph of x(t) and y(t) vs. t
graph of x(t) vs. y(t)
x' = 0.08*x-0.001*x*y
y' = -0.02*y+0.00002*x*y
x0 = 1000, y0 = 40, and t0 = 0
[9] Graph of f(x, y) in 3-D
Hidden line removal
function f(x, y), eye position, no. of intervals,
x and y domain, transparency level, frames
per second, scale
graph with hidden line removal
the graph will rotate back and forth
this are stop/resume buttons
f(x, y) = x*y*Math.exp(-x*x-y*y)
eye position (3, 2, 2)
x, y each on [-3, 3], scale 2
transparency 0.8, 4 fps
[10] Same as [9] with a tangent plane same as [9] with a tangent plane at (x, y)
same as [9]
same as [9] with tangent plane
at (0.71, 0.71)
[11] Same as [9] with polar coordinates same as [10] with polar coordinates
same as [9]
same as [9]
[12] Parametric Surfaces - (examples) x(u, v), y(u, v), z(u, v) with bounded u, v
arbitrary eye position, transparency,
no. of intervals
3-D graph with hidden line removal
u, v on [-3.14, 3.14], n = 20. trans. = 0.9
[13] Parametric Surface - (examples)
with a slider
same as [12] with eye position determined by
theta (angle from x-axis) and phi (angle from
z-axis) entered with a slider*
same as [12] with animation
same as [12]
[14] String Animation with any
initial position
initial position, speed, no. of subdivisions
vibrating string with fixed endpts.
f(x)=x*x*(2-x) on [0, 2]

* sliders work best in Chrome and Opera, fair in Internet Explorer, and slow in Firefox
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