Sundial Calculations using simple approximations

by Prof. Richard B. Goldstein of Providence College

Enter latitude in o
sundial diagram shown below

[The Canvas goes here]

sundial image sundial image 2
The gnonom (shown in green) casts a shadow on the base of the horizontal sundial indicating
the time of the day. The angle θ must be equal to the latitude. Where should one place the
hourly markings on the sundial? In other words, at 1:00 PM what is β, the angle from due
North?  What is it at 2:00 PM, etc? It turns out that there is a very simple formula relating
time t, the number of hours before or after noon, with θ and β given by:

tan(β) = sin(θ) tan(t*15o)
β = tan-1(sin(θ) tan(t*15o))

This formula is derived below along with a table and diagram for any given latitude. The
vector from (a, b, 0) to the tip of the gnomon (shown as a dashed red line) is given by
v = (-a, Lcos(θ) - b, Lsin(θ)) and points in the direction of the sun. The position of the sun
is given by (x', y', z').  The equations and their derivation for x', y', and z' are found at the
web page: sunpositformulas.htm.
sundial image 3
sundial image 4
