Simple Formula Calculations:

sun position

blackdot The Earth is centered at the origin at (0, 0, 0) and the sun is far away in the
yz-plane at a declination (angle above or below the equator) of φ from the
y-axis which is a vector in the direction v1=(0, cos φ, sin φ).
black dot The sun's declination changes over the year. One can assume that the
declination follows a sine curve based upon being at +23.45o on June 21
(summer), 0o on March 22 and September 21 (equinox) and -23.45o on
December 21 (winter). An improved approximation was used in the program:

φ=cos-1[cos2(τ) + sin2(τ)cos(23.45o)]

where τ is 0 on March 22, 90o on June 21, etc.  Note that φ is positive in the
spring & summer and negative in the fall and winter. This improved
approximation comes from thinking of the sun's declination as a great circle
which comes from the intersection of a tilted plane (by 23.45o)and the sphere
of radius=1. This great circle can be represented parametrically by 


The vector


represents the point the Earth is in its orbit around the sun. These two
vectors are at an angle φ apart where

or φ=cos-1[cos2(τ) + sin2(τ)cos(23.45θ)]
blackdot The difference between using φ=23.45osin(τ) or
φ=cos-1[cos2(τ)+sin2(τ)cos(23.45o)] affects the declination by less than 0.062o
at mid-season; for example on November 7 or February 4. At the four season
changes both equations yield the same value of φ.
black dot A point, P, on the Earth of radius=1 is located at (0, cos θ, sin θ) at noon
(T=0) where θ=latitude.
black dot At an arbitrary time, T(hrs), the point will be at v4=(cos θ sin t, cos θ cos t, sin θ)
where t = 15oT. This comes from rotation
about the z-axis by t shown by the matrix-vector multiplication:

sun eqs 2

black dot The cosine of the angle between the two unit vectors represented by the Earth's
location and the sun's location is found by the equation cos β=v1•v4 (the dot
product). That is,

cos β=[0][cos θ sin t]+[cos φ][cos θ cos t]+[sin φ][sin θ]
=cos θ cos t cos φ + sin θ sin φ

The altitude, α, is given by 90o - β  or cos β = sin(α). This yields:

α=sin-1(sin θ sin φ + cos θ cos φ cos t)
black dot Sunrise and sunset occur when α=0.  If sin θ sin φ + cos θ cos φ cos t = 0,
then cos t = -tan θ tan φ. That is, t=cos-1(-tan θ tan φ)=180o+/-cos-1(tan θ tan φ).
Since time is given in hours 15o represents 1 hour. Then we can rewrite t as
12+/-cos-1(tan θ tan φ)/15o.
black dot Starting with a vector S for the position vector of the sun: sun eqs 4

The Earth coordinate system x-y-z is transformed to x*-y*-z* by

sun eqs 3

The dot product of these x*-y*-z* vectors with S yields the following:

sun eqs 5

Each of these components is given in the output.  The azimuth is found by
looking at the x' and y' only. The azimuth, az, is rotated by 90o because it is
measured from the y-axis.  Therefore,

az=tan-1(-x'/y')=tan-1(cos φ sin t/(cos θ sin φ - sin θ cos φ cos t))

black dot Finally, to measure the azimuth at sunset and sunrise (these are shown as blue
lines), one needs to substitute for both cos t and sin t into the equation for az.
The substitutions are:

sun eqs 6

Then after some trigonometric manipulation we get cos(az)=sin(φ)/cos(θ).

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