Overview - Prof.
Richard B. Goldstein
The Interactive-Math website contains graphical, interactive routines
using JavaScript with the visual graphics screen called canvas. The
routines make frequent use of the slider and other animation techniques to
change values or views. The functions chosen can be replaced and the input
values of various parameters can be altered.
The site also contains notes used in various undergraduate and graduate
courses in calculus, statistics, and numerical analysis.
- Graphing any function of one variable showing the first derivative,
tangent line, second derivative, and the osculating circle.
- Parametric Equations illustrated in 2-D or surfaces 3-D as well as
space curves in 3-D. The views can be altered by the use of sliders.
- Solids of revolution found by rotating around the x-axis.
- Ordinary Differential Equations with graphic solution.
- The prey and predator differential equations shown graphically versus
time or versus each other.
- Graphing a function of two variables / surfaces with hidden line
removal. By using the sliders the view can be altered. Also a tangent
plane is introduced.
- The animation of a vibrating string with any initial position and
- Descriptive Statistics - mean, median, mode, standard deviation,
variance, skewness, and quartiles are calculated and the appropriate
box-and-whisker diagram is illustrated.
- Discrete simulation based upon the entry of a table using the
JavaScript random number generator and bar graph output.
- Random number generation illustrating the algorithm used for uniform,
exponential, normal, lognormal, Weibull, Gamma, Beta, binomial,
geometric, and Poisson distributions.
- Various tests of randomness are used and graphically shown on the
algorithms used by JavaScript, Randu, Siman, Simscript, and L'Ecuyer.
- The convolution (statistical addition) of any two continuous random
- The convolution (sum) of the identical random variable from two to
fifty times. The graphs illustrate the limiting normal distribution.
- The continuous distributions (normal, student-t, chi square, F, gamma,
beta, and Johnson system) and the discrete distributions (binomial,
geometric, and Poisson) are illustrated with lookup of probabilities or
quantiles either by simple entry or the use of sliders. Graphs and
equations of the functions are shown and altered by the input data or
slider. Various relationships among the distributions by Abramowitz and
Stegun are given.
Numerical Analysis:
- Solution (roots) of equations in one, two, or three variables. Various
methods that are illustrated include bisection, false-position, and
secant methods. Only real roots are given.
- Interpolation methods of Neville, divided differences, natural cubic
spline, and rational polynomials are used.
- Numerical differentiation of any function using 3 points, 5 points,
and Richardson extrapolation methods. Answers give estimates of the
- Numerical integration including a graph of the function. The methods
used include trapezoid, midpoint, Simpson's rule, and Romberg's method.
Error estimates are also given.
- The solution of ordinary differential equations using methods of
Euler, Euler/Huen, and 4th order Runge-Kutta. The Runge-Kutta method
also shows the graph.
- Minimization of unconstrained multivariate functions. Rosenbrock's
function is used as an example.
- The position of the sun is given based upon latitude, longitude, time
of day, and day of the year. Sundial positions and the basis for the
algorithm is included.
- A rectangular solid from any viewpoint is illustrated.
- A rectangular solid is shown in perspective and can be viewed from any
point with various rotations.
- Financial calculations
- Retirement calculations - using continuous compounding growing with